Monday, April 11, 2011
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Does Hawaii ever release long-form birth certificates?
Ex-official says Obama's document is in file cabinet at Department of Health
Posted: April 11, 2011
8:30 pm Eastern
By Bob Unruh
![]() President Barack Obama in the Oval Office April 4, 2011 |
A former official with the Hawaii Department of Health says the computer image of a "Certification of Live Birth" displayed by the Obama campaign in 2008 to demonstrate the candidate's constitutional eligibility as a "natural born citizen" to occupy the Oval Office is the only document the state releases.
But testimony and documents from others who have received them from the state simply by requesting them raises questions about the comments of Chiyome Fukino, former head of the state agency in charge of birth records, including those that may reveal details of Barack Obama's 1961 birth.
It was in an interview with MSNBC that Fukino affirmed that the image of a short-form COLB is what the state releases.
Be the first to get the new eligibility book signed by Jerome Corsi and help get TV commercials on the air to bust this issue wide open!
"What he got, everybody got," Fukino said during the interview. "He put out exactly what everybody gets when they ask for a birth certificate."
(Story continues below)
Joshua Wisch, of the Hawaii attorney general's office, went further, telling MSNBC the original document belongs to the state and cannot be released to anyone – or copied by anyone.
"It's a Department of Health record and it can't be released to anybody," he told MSNBC, saying there are no provisions that authorize copying such records.
The short-form document that Obama's campaign released in 2008:
![]() This short-form "certification of live birth" released by the Obama campaign in 2008 does not have the name of the hospital or an attending physician, which would be included on a long-form "certificate of live birth," which has never been produced by Obama. |
That document, which contains no information regarding birth hospital, attendant, doctor or other details found on all original long-form birth certificates, contrasts with the actual birth certificate from Hawaii made public by Susan Nordyke, who was born in Honolulu Aug. 5, 1961, just one day after Obama's reported date of birth and in the same hospital where he was reportedly born.
That image:
![]() Copy of original long-form birth certificate of Susan Nordyke, born in Honolulu the day after Obama's reported birthdate. Obama has never produced any document like this. |
Moreover, on Oct. 13, 2010, a contributor with the username "Danae" posted on FreeRepublic.com a copy of her long-form birth certificate originally issued in 1969, but which the Hawaii Department of Health mailed to her on Sept. 28, 2010, after she paid a $10 fee.
An image of her posting:
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To verify her transaction, she also posted a receipt she was sent Sept. 28, 2010, by the Hawaii state agency, documenting the $10 fee to get her long-form, hospital-generated certificate.
Here is that image:
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Because of the obvious questions raised by the statements of Hawaii officials defending the secrecy of Obama's birth records, "Danae" followed up with a photograph of her original long-form, hospital-generated certificate of live birth side-by-side with the copy she was sent:
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She went even further, posting an image of both of those documents along with a short-form COLB, similar to the one presented by Obama's campaign, that she also had asked the Hawaii Department of Health to produce:
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"Danae" obtained her long-form, hospital-generated certificate of birth to win a $200 bet with another FreeRepublic participant operating under the username "STARWISE." STARWISE dared someone to prove he or she could get a long-form birth certificate from the Hawaii DOH after 2001, when the Hawaii DOH went electronic and agency spokeswoman Janice Okubo claimed they quit issuing such documents.
In fact, the Hawaii Revised Statutes, Paragraph 38-13(a) specifies that the agency "shall, upon request, furnish an applicant a certified copy of any certificate, or the contents of any certificate, or any part thereof." Further, subparagraph C allows that copies of birth certificates "may be made by photograph, dry copy reproduction, typing, computer printout or other process approved by the director of health."
Further, according to a report in "The Post & Email" blog by Miki Booth, others have gotten long-form documents from Hawaii, too.
"When my son, Alan, requested a copy of his birth certificate he got just that – a "Certificate of Live Birth," not the same as Obama's. Different titles and different information. Obama's is sorely lacking information required for obtaining a passport – Mother's State/Country of Birth and Father's State/Country of Birth," she wrote.
Further, she wrote about the experience of a friend, whose name was not revealed, just this year. She released an image of a "Certificate of Live Birth" that appears to be a long-form document with much additional detail not included in a short-form "Certification of Live Birth."
She said the long-form "Certificate of Live Birth" was obtained from Hawaii in March 2011.
The image she posted on the Post & Email site:
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Fukino told the MSNBC interview she doesn't expect her statements – she also made two on the subject earlier – will resolve anything.
Fukino in late 2009, stated, "I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen. I have nothing further to add to this statement or my original statement issued in October 2008 over eight months ago."
But it was about that time that Okubo declined to authenticate the online image from Obama.
Further, questions were raised by the issuance of Fukino's statements that she had seen the documentation.
That's because Okubo said Hawaii law prohibits her from commenting on the birth records of any specific person. She cited Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 338-18, which pertains to "Disclosure of Records."
That section of Hawaii law states, regarding the release of vital statistics records, "The department shall not permit inspection of public health statistics records, or issue a certified copy of any such record or part thereof, unless it is satisfied that the applicant has a direct and tangible interest in the record."
In the MSNBC interview, Fukino said the dispute was "ludicrous."
She suggested there are those who would question anything regarding Obama.
"They're going to question the ink on which it was written or say it was fabricated," she said during the interview.
She explained that the official Obama birth record absolutely exists – in a bound volume in a file cabinet on the first floor of the state Department of Health. When she released her first statements on the issue she carefully explained that the record was with the state in accordance with state law, but did not explain what that would mean.
She also told MSNBC she examined the records twice, reporting that she found the original record number, half typed and signed by the doctor.
The MSNBC report noted that when the short-form COLB image first was obtained, Obama needed to sign the request – but got "testy."
Jerome Corsi, whose new book, "Where's the Birth Certificate?" is released next month, said if the document is as Fukino is describing it now, she should have included those details when she first described it as a state official.
"Fukino is lying when she says Hawaii will not release long-form, hospital-generated birth certificates to those born in Hawaii requesting something more than a short-form certification of live birth," he said.
"Fukino has protected Obama with her statements since she was employed by the Hawaii Department of Health. Now, she is just continuing the cover-up," he said.
"Frequently, when the family under Hawaii law came into a regional Hawaii DOH office to register an out-of state birth or a foreign birth as a Hawaii birth, the family would bring the name of a local obstetrician as documentation the mother gave birth in Hawaii. Just listing an obstetrician proves nothing about the fact of a Hawaii birth. What the Hawaii DOH needs to document is a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate that lists not an obstetrician who may have given medical care to an expecting mother, but an attending physician who gave birth to the baby in a Hawaii hospital."
"Why didn't Fukino describe in this detail the Obama birth records in the Hawaii DOH vault when she was an officer of the department? ... Now that Fukino has described the Obama birth records in this detail, the privacy of the records has been compromised, such that the Hawaii DOH should make public the full records on file in the Hawaii DOH vault."
Further, he noted there are confusing circumstances in the situation, since Obama was born earlier than the Nordyke twins, but has a COLB number higher in sequence.
He suggested that the issue of the birth certificate – and status as a "natural born citizen" that would meet the Constitution's demands for presidents – is becoming problematic for the Obama administration.
Previously, a former elections worker in Hawaii, Tim Adams, said his superiors at the elections office in Honolulu checked with the state health department and local hospitals, only to find out that none had Obama's long-form birth certificate.
While not having access to Hawaii Department of Health birth records, Adams says his office had access to numerous databases to verify people's identities, including the Social Security database, driver's licenses, passports, tax and banking records, police files and the national crime computer.
He has since signed an affidavit swearing to his allegations.
As the controversy over eligibility has resurfaced recently with billionaire developer and potential Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggesting Obama's presidency could be illegal, Adams is not expecting the commander in chief to be removed from office.
"That gets into the extremist fantasies that somehow they're going to frog-march Barack Obama out of the White House – it's never going to happen," said Adams.
Adams says he even offered the current Democratic governor of the state, Neil Abercrombie, his personal assistance to help verify any long-form birth certificate if it were ever produced.
"Governor Abercrombie said that he was afraid that even if they managed to bring out the original birth certificate or a copy of the original birth certificate, there would still be people who would say, 'Oh, it's a forgery, oh, it's a fake,' whatever. I told him that if he wanted help convincing people it was real, I would be happy to do so. If he actually had the birth certificate. I got nothing back from the man."
Abercrombie made national headlines earlier this year when he publicly sought to bring closure to the issue, and then explained he couldn't find Obama's long-form birth certificate, only some sort of written notation.
"It was actually written, I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down," Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser.
Adams explained, "He found a registration, he found an archive notation. He did not find a birth certificate. You'll never see one from him."
![]() A photograph taken by the Kapi'olani Medical Center for WND shows a letter allegedly written by President Obama on embossed White House stationery in which he declares the Honolulu hospital to be "the place of my birth," The hospital, after publicizing the letter then refusing to confirm it even existed, is now vouching for its authenticity, but not its content. The White House has yet to verify any aspect of the letter. |
While Honolulu's Kapi'olani Hospital at one point used the image of a letter purportedly from Obama praising the hospital as the location of his birth, its authenticity also remains in question.
WND has reported the White House has refused to confirm if it wrote or sent the letter, or if the information it contains is accurate.
Kapi'olani has used the letter for fundraising purposes, and the FBI has said there could be federal charges filed if the letter is not authentic.
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