Tuesday, April 26, 2011

From Carl Swensson: Share with as many as you dare…

Share with as many as you dare…

I'd like to share with you the reporting of events as they happened at the Monroe County courthouse yesterday...
My travels also included a stop by the FBI office in Atlanta where I passed on the Federal crimes being committed in TN to the “Duty Agent” (name withheld at his request. Actually, he refused to give it) and was told by this agent he wasn’t concerned with it since it is occurring in TN!?!? He was, however, interested in hearing about Walter Fitzpatrick’s dilemma since Walt will again be facing the goons of the 10th District in TN when next they visit and has already stated he will not go peacefully with them.

Constitutionally defiant Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers are slaves to "the Process". History teaches us that this "Process" was given power over us and our State/U.S. Constitution with the codifying of "The Rules of Criminal Procedure" in 1946. It is those rules that allow for Judges to, through case law precedent, modify the meaning and intent of the Constitutional "Rule of Law" with impunity. They have done so, for so many years, that to now even bring up our Constitution will cause any lawyers eyes to roll up and back into their heads while going into a catatonic trance. This I witnessed, first hand, yesterday. Justice is money, The Rule of Law, Morality and common sense have disappeared from our courts and replaced by case law. Welcome to 1984 where words do no longer mean what we were taught. The subversion of our language through legalese now all but complete.

It should be apparent now, to all, why the DHS (all Lawyers) consider any Constitutionalist to be a "home grown terrorist".., it is to me, so I will, as Walt is doing, fight to the end for what he took an oath to uphold, protect and defend. The document our founding fathers gave us to insure the freedom and liberty of all generations to follow and as Ben Franklin once said, "if you can keep it".

Freedom is not free but you are free to share this with whomever you wish.

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