Friday, April 8, 2011

Donald Trump To Meet With AZ Birther Bill Author In NYC

My guess is Donald already knows the answer and has the facts.  He isn't the kind of guy to go off half cocked on an important issue.  There is an old truism in the legal profession; "Never ask a question unless you already know the answer".  Donald employs lots of lawyers who would be happy to share this legal wisdom with him.

Donald "The Donald" Trump is taking further steps to make himself the nation's birther-in-chief. On the heels of his promise to reveal the truth about Obama's birth in the next several weeks, TPM has learned Trump will be hosting an author of Arizona's birther legislation in New York City this week.

According to his office, State Rep. Carl Seel (R) is currently en route to New York City to powow with Trump over HB 2177, a bill which would require all candidates for office to prove their citizenship to the Secretary of State's office before they can appear of Arizona ballots.

Seel's bill is just one of two pieces of birther legislation currently sitting in the state legislature. A previous attempt to pass a birther law in the state died in the Senate after sponsors couldn't find the votes to pass it.
According to Seel's office, the trip to New York to meet with Trump about the Arizona bill was booked "last night." Seel will stay in the city through Sunday.

"I don't know who called who," Seel's assistant, Tammy Quinn, told TPM.

News of the meeting was tweeted by Arizona reporters and then confirmed by TPM today.
Trump, currently in the midst of his latest flirtation with a presidential run, has made Obama's birth certificate his central focus for nearly a month. Recent polling data and anecdotal evidence has shown tea partiers are thrilled with Trump's decision to ask questions about Obama's birth that were solved years ago.

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