Why do we listen to liberals?

Why do we listen to liberals? Why do we take them seriously? Why do we allow them to operate unchallenged? Have you ever met any group of individuals that is so consistently wrong? Why are we not wearing them out on this? Why do we let the media ignore the fact they are always wrong?
How are they wrong?
Where do we start?
How about education? We conservatives ceded education a long time ago. Now, liberals dominate the education establishment. What is the result? American education is terrible. We have kids who graduate from high school who cannot even read or do basic math. Most city schools have resources to make sure “sexually confused” teens receive the politically correct propaganda, yet most teens cannot find Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya on a map. We have resources on campus so teens can get birth control, STD testing and treatment and abortions, yet most teens cannot balance a checkbook. Schools have annual propaganda for “Earth day” or the “day of silence” yet most teens cannot tell you who the Vice President is, what he does or what the Bill of Rights is.
How about State and Local Governments? The more liberal the state, the worse the financial condition the state is. If it were not for money coming in from the federal government, most large cities would have gone bankrupt long ago. California, Illinois, New York and New Jersey are all facing bankruptcy. These are all states with a long history of liberal governments, funding all kinds of liberal social experiments. They have followed the liberal orthodoxy of taxing the productive and taxing businesses. Every productive, affluent citizen that could has fled and so are the businesses. In the last three years, socialist California has lost 1.15 million jobs. Mean while, in Texas, a conservative, free market state, even with the poor economy, Texas has created 165,000 jobs. Imagine what Texas would have done of the Obama, Pelosi, Reid axis of fiscal evil had not been wrecking the national economy.
The left launched a war on poverty. What has the result been? It has turned into a factory for poverty. If the war on poverty were a real war, we would have to surrender. Everything they have done has been to promote poverty and keep people in poverty.
Noted economist and conservative writer Walter Williams has said, in America, if you will do three simple things, you almost cannot avoid getting out of poverty and moving into the middle class. They are, do not have children until you are married. Do not get married until you have at least graduated from high school and stay off drugs.
What has the left done over the last fifty years? Their war on poverty has encouraged and created generations of teen pregnancy. Their policies have not only discouraged marriage but penalized it. And they want to legalize drugs.
Can anyone point to ANYTHING liberals have done that has worked? They have wrecked our national defense. They have driven businesses to bankruptcy. They are the experts in regulating us into poverty. Remember when we had light bulbs that did not require a HAZMAT team if you broke one?
Liberals have made America dependent on foreign energy sources and despite the fact prices are rising at an obscene rate, they do nothing. They have tried to mandate us into crummy little death traps, instead of the SUV’s America wants.
Liberals have sent American law officers to their deaths by telling them they cannot fight back with guns against heavily armed narco terrorists.
Liberals have managed to screw up one war we are in and get us into another war that we have no business in.
Can anyone name just one thing liberals have gotten right? They have spent us into bankruptcy and created a debt that may destroy the economy. And we are supposed to take them seriously?
If a lawyer were as incompetent as liberals are, they would be disbarred. If an employee were as incompetent as liberals are, they would be fired. If a banker were as incompetent as liberals are, they would be in prison.
Liberals are yet to get anything right. Can anyone tell me why we show them any respect?
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I can remember when liberals were nice people who were just wrong about most things. Now they are wrong and nasty!
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