New Poll: Trump 26, Huckabee 17, Romney 15, Gingrich 11

Dovetailing on Judson's Earlier Post today regarding Donald Trump, a new PPP Poll has the above findings in their most recent data collection. Yes, I know they're liberal, but they've also proved to be very accurate in past elections.
From Public Policy Polling:
Trump's broken the perpetual gridlock we've found at the top of the Republican field, getting 26% to 17% for Mike Huckabee, 15% for Romney, 11% for Newt Gingrich, 8% for Sarah Palin, 5% for Ron Paul, and 4% for Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty.
I'm still pretty skeptical that Trump's going to run but if he doesn't someone who taps into the same sort of hard, hard right sentiment he's appealing to right now will get their votes- it's hard to imagine these folks voting for a more centrist candidate like Romney or Pawlenty. And that means there's a very serious contingent within the Republican Party that's less concerned with beating Barack Obama than having a nominee who gets them fired up. That suggests many GOP voters have not learned the lessons of Nevada and Delaware and that Obama may survive despite his weak approval numbers because the Republicans end up defeating themselves.
My observations on this poll:
The pollsters at PPP think if the GOP puts forth a “tea party approved” candidate, we’ll see the same outcome as the Sharron Angle/Christine O’Donnell races last November and give Obama 4 more years. This is something no one wants, but the question is, are they right? The “DC establishment” told us this last time, gave us McCain and we see where that got us. Are we going to be stuck with a Romney, Huckabee or Newt?
Trump has hit a gold mine by taking the fight directly to Obama. Other than Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, have any of the other candidates done this? And if that’s the case, why are Palin and Bachmann not higher in the polling?
What is happening to Sarah Palin’s popularity? Is she overexposed? Has the press realized she’s not running and therefore aren’t reporting on her anymore? What’s going on in regard to her declining numbers in these polls? Is she going to run and if so, will she be able to pull herself back to the top of the heap?
I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts.
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