Written by OPINION |
Monday, 04 April 2011 12:44 |
To the editor: Once a Muslim always a Muslim; at least till death do ye part. President Barack Obama has often been accused of being a secret Muslim. Only Obama’s birth certificate, passport, travel documentation, school records and transcripts, his true long-form birth certificate authenticated by the hospital of birth, medical attendants and witnesses, and other legal documentation can shed final light on the contentious issue of eligibility for presidential office. Donald Trump has raised a ruckus over the issue of Obama’s eligibility for the presidency. More curious is how his opposition has turned Trump’s arguments on its head by arguing that Trump himself is not qualified for the presidency due to the Scottish birth heritage of his parents. Lost in translation of this issue is not whether Obama was born in Hawaii or not, but what rules the passing of citizenship to progeny. Obama’s mother was an American citizen, the father a citizen of the United Kingdom; that automatically passes British citizenship to the child. According to the Constitution, if Obama is in fact a dual citizen, he would be disqualified from eligibility for the presidency. Mr. Obama is doing the country a serious disservice if he is eligible for the presidency but intentionally allowing a false debate that it is in his power to dismiss by providing proof of citizenship. Muslims are prohibited under the threat of death from converting to another religion. If Obama had been a Muslim at any point in his life, as a now self-declared Christian, he would be under mandatory death threat by Islam. The only exemption is a tenet of Islam that it is permissible and encouraged to lie if it is for the benefit of Islam. This presidential eligibility distraction works against the best interests of the United States, which is involved in wars across Africa, the Middle East and the Far East in Pakistan. How far can the rubber band be stretched before it snaps? Add to the mix the economic malaise of the United States and persistent unemployment, declining value of the dollar, creeping inflation, a budding oil and energy crisis, unsustainable spending that is growing the annual deficit and national debt, and a cowardly Congress that is in denial. Is there a Hercules, legal or not, on the horizon? Albert Maslar |
10 hours ago
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