Obama: Punish productivity, produce poverty

Obama did it again yesterday. Despite the media spin that Obama was working to the center and that he was trying to compromise he instead came out with his socialist principles, front and center.
Obama gave the speech that the media hailed as “his plan.” What plan? This was a campaign speech, not a plan. What he wants to do is simple. The only meaningful plan he had in that speech was increase taxes and slash defense spending.
Obama considers those who make the money in this country, “lucky.” Lucky, like being an unknown author and scoring a six-figure advance for a book you haven’t written? If you make over $113,000 in this country, you are still in the middle class, yet you are in the top 10% of income earners and the top 10% pays 70% of the taxes. How is that fair?
Unless you are an unknown community organizer, living off of government funds, most people who are making serious amounts of money, say over $113,000, are working very hard. These people are not going in, punching a time clock at the DMV, doing their forty hours and going home. These people are working eighty or more hours a week because they want to work hard to get ahead. As a wise man once said, “the harder I work, the luckier I get.”
Thaddeus McCotter, Congressman from Michigan nailed it yesterday in a speech on the House floor. If you have not seen it, you should. He said, when you punish productivity, you produce poverty.
Punishing productivity and producing poverty is what socialism has been doing for a century. Can someone please tell me why we let socialists into the government? Why in the hell do we even pay attention to these people? When you have a group of people who hold to an ideology that has been proven wrong so many times in the past, why are they not a laughing stock? If insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, these people qualify for the insane asylum!
The only thing missing from Obama’s speech was a laugh track. This was pure recycled socialism. It has never worked. There is a reason why the old Soviet Union collapsed. There is a reason why even China and Cuba are moving away from socialism. There is a reason why Europe is not the economic engine driving the world. America produces the greatest wealth for the greatest number of people with the greatest ease. Contrary to what idiots like Obama say, this is not the product of luck. Maybe it was for him. For the rest of us, it is the product of hard work.
Just out of curiosity, how did an unknown Barack Obama score a six-figure advance for a book he had not written? That certainly was not the product of hard work.
Obama follows the tradition of socialists who think the only government program that should ever be cut is defense. It is a big bad world out there and our military helps keep America safe. The military is now stuck with equipment that in some cases is thirty years old or older. We are going to cut where?
Of course, Obama wants to see America’s military gutted and weak. After all, in his mind, America is the focus of evil in the modern world.
Obama’s plan looks amazingly like Jimmy Carter’s plans for America. Reduce America to simply a power, not a super power.
Announcing tax hikes. Cutting the military. Doing nothing about the deficits. Now, jobless claims are rising again. Looks like 2012 will be a good year for the GOP. And in 2013, Obama can work hard on his golf game.
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