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Here's what we know, and don't know: We don't know what passport Obama had before he was elected to the Senate. He automatically qualified for a separate diplomatic type passport when he was elected to national office. We don't know if he had an Indonesian passport, or what, before that. He surely wasn't vetted during his state senate campaign.
Just have a look around in Chicago...
We do know when Obama was living in Indonesia with his mom and step-father, Indonesian citizen, Lolo Soetoro, Obama was listed as "Barry Soetoro" and as an Indonesian citizen on his school registration in Indonesia. So, going by his Indonesian school registration Obama holds Indonesian citizenship, British citizenship(if born to BHO Sr.), and U.S. citizenship, if Obama was born on U.S. soil. To this day, Obama is a dual-citizen no matter who his legal birth father was. Right Anderson!? Or did he renounce it?
Oh come on Anderson help us out here... This is all so confusing...
Anderson, check this one out: We also know the passport office was broken in to during the 2008 campaign and strangely enough the person involved was employed by an Obama campaigner and now Obama's chief counterterrorism advisor...( John Brennan ).... Anderson, didn't you cover all this in your "birther myth buster" show!? Oops my bad, wrong show...
Anderson, we also know via FOIA requests that all of Obama's mother's pre-1965 passport records were destroyed. Imagine that, Pooper!? We also learned from that same FOIA dump that Obama was listed as "Barack Hussein Obama Soebarkah" and stricken from his mother's passport records that were released. Oh, wait, you reported about that last year when they were dumped, right Anderson!? My bad again, sorry! I'm slow tonight... I can count though... that's quite a few names there, eh!?
One more thing Pooper, you keep m(d)isinforming your viewers about the short-form COLB and passports.
According to the State Department website short-form birth certificates may not be acceptable for passport purposes. Anderson, guess what happens under a new proposal if you don't have a birth certificate? Well, now they will be wanting the names of the doctor and witnesses including the name of the hospital and detailed information about the PARENTS, Siblings, and even the dreaded circumcision record. Where's Jan Brewer when we need her!? Anderson, do you think Obama can provide any of the above info, or will they just accept a Photoshopped JPEG image on a website? Can one carry their laptop in to show them?
Anderson, could you please let me know when you're going to fact check and report this pretty straight forward information...
Thanks! - ORYR...
Just a little reminder: The records Obama's fighting to keep sealed with lawyers paid with our tax dollars;
Passport records, Obama kindergarten records, Punahou School records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, University of Chicago scholarly articles, Illinois State Bar Association records, Illinois State Senate records/schedules(said to be lost), Medical records, Obama/Dunham marriage license, Obama/Dunham divorce documents, Soetoro/Dunham marriage license, Adoption records and of course the long-form Certificate of Live Birth. AND, WHAT ABOUT THE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER PROBLEM!?

Notre Dame Professor Charles Rice: Obama's eligibility could be biggest political fraud in the history of the world; time for a new approach -Details here.
Attorney Mario Apuzzo: All presidents born after 1787, except for Chester Arthur and Barack Obama, met the “natural born Citizen” criteria. -Details here.
Commander Charles Kerchner: List of U.S. Presidents - Eligibility under Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) or Natural Born Citizen (NBC) Clause or Seated due to Election Fraud -Details here.
Jack Cashill Discusses Obama's Fraudulent Social Security Number Reserved for Connecticut Applicants -Video here.
Visit the Birther Vault for the long list of evidence against Hawaii officials and all of the people questioning Obama's eligibility; [http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2010/08/video-ltc-terry-lakins-attorney-on-cnn.html].
A Catalog of Evidence-Concerned Americans Have Good Reason to Doubt Putative Pres Obama Born in HI
Whose CT SSN is President Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama Using? Wash Times Natl Wkly 25 Apr 2011 pg 5
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