Donald Trump’s success signals the defeat of the GOP establishment

2012 is shaping up to be a great year for conservatives and a really bad year for liberals. A lot of prominent liberal politicians are going to be unemployed at the end of 2012. There is going to be another big loser in 2012.
The GOP establishment is going to lose big in 2012.
Why is Donald Trump so popular this year? Part of it is his celebrity. Part of it is his message. The GOP establishment cringes every time Trump mentions Obama’s birth certificate. Good, let them.
Noted RINO Karl Rove has jumped to the defense of the GOP establishment, calling Trump a “joke candidate” who has embraced the “nutty right.” Perhaps we could call Rove a “joke commentator.” Whether we think Trump should be the nominee or not, right now, he has to be considered the early leader in the GOP primary race. While country club Karl holds his nose up at Trump, what Trump is saying is resonating with a large section of the American people.
Why is Trump so popular?
While Boehner has been trying to sell America on the idea that his freshly laundered white flag of surrender is some how a victory for America, Trump charges ahead. As George Patton said, “America loves a winner and will not tolerate a loser.”
Right now, the milquetoast GOP establishment is the loser. This is why the Tea Party took off two years ago. The GOP establishment would be much happier with the Bob Michael’s style of leadership. For those who do not remember him, he was the House Minority leader from 1981 to 1995. He was a part of the House leadership that pretty much guaranteed the Democrats control of the House from 1956 to 1994. During his time in the House leadership, he was known for his bipartisanship and his friendship with the Democrats. During his time in the House, it was not uncommon for the Democratic Majority to not even inform Republicans when committee meetings or votes were taking place. But, hey, he was the pitcher for the Republicans in the annual congressional softball game. He probably lost those too.
The GOP establishment reacts in horror to Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement for one simple reason. They are just moderates who believe we can all just get along and sing kumbaya. They are perfectly happy losing and when they accidentally win, quite happy to “reach across the aisle,” compromise and give up everything they believe in. We just saw that a couple of weeks ago.
Trump does not believe in that. While there are some other things he may or may not believe in and his beliefs are certainly subject to questioning, he does not surrender. He is saying as much and the people are listening.
The GOP establishment fears the candidacy of a Trump, not because they fear his beliefs; they fear his independence. Trump, with one check can, level the playing field. He does not need the GOP fundraising apparatus and therefore is not beholden to party insiders. There are other Tea Party candidates out there, such as Michele Bachmann, who might need the fundraising, but are making it very clear, they are not going to simply play ball with the GOP establishment.
The early strong showing of Trump is a message to the GOP and the GOP establishment. The people are tired of business as usual. That model died in 2009. If we let the GOP establishment have their way, conservatives will never control the government again and we will simply go down the road to socialism. The only difference will be, under GOP establishment candidates the road will be a little longer.
We the people have to take over the GOP (and we have a plan to do that), throw out these establishment RINO types and make the GOP once again the Party of Reagan.
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